Get to Know Us

Read More About Our History And Values And Check Testimonials.

Cyber Bee

We Will Code Your Business Idea

A good idea is just halfway to success. The second one is its implementation. For more than 12 years, we have been helping with the finest online business plan realization. We translate aims into high-quality code, making plans for running an online business real.

We were not Smartbees. We did not code in Magento. We did not organize workshops or provide SEO services. How did we build Smartbees? Take a look at our evolution!

Drupal - ikona


We start as a Web Design Solution specializing in Drupal 7 development.

Magento - ikona


Drupal is just a beginning. We branch out services to Magento 1 development.

double bee


We launch first Magento 2 project and Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 migration in the company's history.

Smartbees icon


Revolution - multidimensional rebranding! From now, we are Smartbees.

Smartbuzz ikona


We are not stopping. Our new SEO-oriented brand Smartbuzz is officially on!

praca zespołowa


Constant development :) There are +30 experts on board so far!

przyjazna atmosfera


New services. Consultations and workshops were the missing points of our complex offer.

Plaster miodu


We support +30 customers, implement websites and e-commerce platforms for well-known brands. We have also made another branding upgrade - you can see the effects now. :)

+ 12

years of experience in Drupal
Plaster miodu

+ 9

years of experience in Magento
Plastry miodu Magento

+ 35

experts on board
Specjalista Smartbees

100 %

passion to Open Source
Pixel Smartbee

Check out what are the most popular questions asked by the potential customers. There is no answer for yours on a list? Contact us. :)

Write to us

What is your tech stack?

We believe in Open Source. That is why we specialize in Drupal, Magento and WordPress. We also use Vue, React, Elasticsearch or Apache Solr in many projects.

Is programming your only specialization?

Of course not! We provide complex services to realize IT projects. Pre-implementation analysis, workshops, graphic design, IT support - it is just a piece of our offer. Moreover, a few years ago, we launched a separate brand Smartbuzz, specializing in SEO.

What are the companies you are cooperating with?

First of all, we cooperate not only with companies. Universities, public institutions, non-government organizations - they constitute a significant customers’ segment. In past years, we have had the pleasure to cooperate with UNICEF, Bergerat Monnoyeur, KGHM, WSB Merito Universities.

Do you operate solely on a Polish market?

Our headquarter is in Opole, Poland, however it does not limit our operations. We work with customers from many countries, e.g., Belgium, France, or the USA.

Now it is your turn!

Tell us about your business idea.