Logo SeaChange

A website for a leading television and streaming services provider

Project type

New website


Video delivery software


logo Drupal Drupal

Scope of work

Web development, graphic design

  • Drupal 10-based corporate service implementation
  • Different forms implementation
  • Publishing process automatization

About the Client

SeaChange is a technological company that specializes in providing comprehensive solutions for the media and television. It offers innovative products, including video content management platforms, personalization and data analytics systems, VOD services, and live broadcasting.

The client’s previous website was built using a custom CMS. In time, the implementation of new functions became problematic. The most challenging aspects were:

  • adding new functions,
  • implementing additional landing pages,
  • publishing and editing content.

We aimed to suggest a scalable solution enabling an attractive presentation of the client’s offer.

logo Drupal

The aim has been transparent since the beginning of the cooperation. We were responsible for building a new, easy-to-work website that supports convenient content edition.

The project's goal
Background element

To avoid the problems the client faced in the past, we:

  1. Built the new website on Drupal - despite the project’s simplicity, it was a perfect choice. Drupal ensures further development without obstacles.
  2. Established the graphic design details - we participated in the process as technical consultants. Thanks to close cooperation between the companies, the graphic design met the requirements of each party. It is consistent with the company’s visual identification and adapted to current graphic design standards.

Solution Details 

Custom menu

Custom Menu

We created a custom menu that correlates with the product section. It means that changes in products are automatically added to the menu. For example, when the editor adds a new product, an anchor and appropriate position in the menu are created. Moreover, the product’s card and new position in the product banner are displayed on the home page. Such automatization significantly reduces the editor’s work when updating the product section.



We have introduced various types of forms on the website. The editor can configure them in the administration panel. They allow, e.g., determining specific email addresses where the submissions should be delivered. Thanks to this, the forms can directly reach the appropriate department.

New design and software significantly refreshed the website

Drupal was a perfect choice for this project. The client has obtained a simple, transparent website that is easy to use.

What were the effects?
  1. Unlimited possibilities to add new functions.

  2. Safe and easy-to-update CMS.

  3. Easy website management.

  4. Resignation with a custom CMS which limited the works on the website.


language versions


experts worked on the project: a Project Manager, Front-end Developer, and Back-end Developer


implemented graphic designs

+ 90 k

created code lines

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