Official SMSAPI module for Drupal created by Smartbees

Background element

We came up with the idea of creating the module to facilitate sending text messages from Drupal. Integrating SMSAPI with the CMS manually is possible but requires much time and work. The module solves this problem and offers easy configuration.

Our module is one of the few actively supported solutions of this type. We created it together with our partner – SMSAPI. The extension is dedicated primarily to Drupal developers.

The extension automates and streamlines the integration process with the SMSAPI service. It provides a programming interface that allows using the base module and extending its features to other programmers. What other options does it offer?

  • Service configuration – the module provides a configuration form, where you can define the access token and enable the test mode,
  • sending a text message – SMSAPI module allows for sending text messages to a specific number,
  • creating templates – the extension allows for creating and using your own templates,
  • dashboard – displays basic information on the SMSAPI account,
  • service for developers – provides programming functions for checking service connection, sending messages, downloading profile data, etc.
A Drupal module
Module configuration

Configuration Form

You can find a configuration form and send a text message in the administration panel.

Enabling test mode

Access Data and Test Mode

The configuration allows for entering access data and activating the test mode, where you can select the sender and phone number. The Mock SMS sending slider sends information to SMSAPI when you try to send a text message. The Show status message provides statuses to Drupal messages.

Creating templates

Creating Templates

The module allows for creating and editing the text message templates. You can add a name, description, message, and the token.

Use a ready-made solution

Download the official SMSAPI extension created by Smartbees and easily integrate SMSAPI with Drupal

SMSAPI module

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