Webform SMSAPI Module

Extension integrating the SMSAPI module with form sending created by Smartbees

Background element

Webform SMSAPI is an SMSAPI module extension. It integrates Webform forms with the SMSAPI service. The extension requires the basic SMSAPI module (created by our programmers) to work properly. You can download it here. Webform SMSAPI is dedicated primarily to developers and aims to facilitate the integration of two modules providing key functions – sending forms (Webform) and text messages (SMSAPI).

The extension provides a handler for the Webform module. This means that after submitting a form created in Webform, you can send an SMS message using the data from the form. What else does the module offer?

  • Sending text messages,
  • sending text messages using templates,
  • ability to add and replace SMS content with values sent in the form.
How to configure the main module?

Configure the Main Module

The SMSAPI module is required to ensure the extension works correctly. You can find a configuration form and SMS functions in the admin panel. Then, you can enter access data and, for example, enable the test mode.

Adding new handler

Select New Handler

Select the handler you want to add. In this case, it is the SMS Message for the Webform module provided by our extension.

How to configure the module?

Configure the Extension

The module allows for naming the handler and selecting a phone number, recipient, or message type. After the configuration, you can use all the main module functions, including SMS templates or editing content.

Use a ready-made solution

Download the SMSAPI module extension and integrate SMSAPI function with sending Webform forms

Webform SMSAPI module

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